
What's new ?
What is Clonch ?
Why Clonch ?
Where to find Clonch ?
How to use Clonch ?
Is there a screenshot ?
How can I help ?
What about the future ?
Why does this page suck ?

What's new ?

What is Clonch ?

Clonch is a little keyboard-centric MacOS X desktop utility which makes it easy and fast to launch applications.

Why Clonch ?

The idea of Clonch came from the experience of messy and overcrowded Docks. The Dock is cool, but is also completely inefficient when you have it hold more than 15 icons. Moreover, the Dock permits very few classification.
What we wanted was a Dock containing only the icons belonging to the running applications. For that matter, we needed a way to efficiently launch our prefered apps, a utility which would always be one keystroke away. That's exactly what Clonch is (meant to be).

Where to find Clonch ?

You can download the last (and first) version of Clonch from the sourceforge project page.

How to use Clonch ?

When you start Clonch, you don't see anything (if you do, there's something wrong). Whenever you fill the desperate need to launch an application, just hit the "cmd+enter" keys. Once you've found the right application using the arrow keys, just hit "enter" and you're done. Simple, isn't it ?

Now you may want to put your own applications in it. Just look for the 'i' shaped icon in the launcher window, select it and press 'enter'. You'll get the preferences window. Add any file you like then press the OK button. You can then drag and drop the lines in the table so that your apps are sorted just the way you want. Another tab allows you to look for new version of the software.

Note : there isn't a way to completely close Clonch, unless you explicitly kill it, but you don't want to do it anyway.

Is there a screenshot ?


How can I help ?

The first thing that you can do is giving feedback. Either post a message to the Clonch forums, or just send an email.
Any feedback is welcome : what you like, what you don't like, what you would like... anything.

The second thing is drawing a logo and/or icon for the project. We don't have any at the moment, and no one here seems to be able to do something correct...

What about the future ?

Clonch is still very young, and will evolve a lot in the next few months. What you can expect is:

Why does this page suck ?

I definitely think I should not spend more time designing this website than working on Clonch... Logo

Pierre DOUCY
Last modified: Tue Feb 23 23:03:58 CET 2005